None of us are immune to the FRENEMY. It's the type of "friend" who you know is not good for you, yet you can never let them go. It's the way you know everything about each other -- how you complete each other's sentences, how you know exactly what each other is thinking and how you order for each other at your favorite food truck. It's the way they know exactly what to say to press your buttons, yet they know exactly what to say to make you smile when you've had the shittiest day. But it's also the type of "friend" where every disagreement turns into an argument, insults are thrown below the belt and bullshit from the past that you thought was disposed is once again up for discussion. It's the fights, the numerous times you've called it quits and the boxes of belongings you've dropped off at each other's doorsteps. It's a destructive relationship to say the least, and you know you can do better, but there's a part of you that will never let this "friend" go... ever.
This "friend" can also be that person you've known since high school or college, who's been there with you through every failed relationship and every significant milestone. It's the person who's driven you home (miles out of their way) just because you were too drunk or too high or too whatever to get behind the wheel. It's that friend that honestly tells you when that dress is two sizes too tight or when that leather Coogi sweater just isn't working for you. But it's also that friend who's constantly competitive with you. It's that person who cringes on the inside when good things happen to you and who quietly wishes they had the spotlight more than you. It's that person who you know will be there through thick and thin, but it's the same one who slept with your significant other. Is that a Frenemy?
Whatever your story may be, FRENEMIES have existed since the beginning of time and will continue to be sitting right beside us. Check out this latest video -- Jypsy Rum's presents Octavius in "Frenemy" directed by Jamal Sims and featuring az Marie to see thier story.
What is your frenemy story? All thoughts and experiences welcomed. Jypsy Rums presents Octavius in "Frenemy"...
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